Psychological Therapies

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  • CBT is most commonly used to treat anxiety and depression, but can be useful for other mental and physical health problems. Psychotherapy is a type of therapy used to treat emotional problems and mental health conditions.

  • Approved Practitioners: Dr Caroline Gratton – 07726 543668 Rachel Blundell – 07466 266992 Paula Myrie – 07540 418 863 Angela Page – 07956 877 329 Bethany Ashley-Smith – 07968 263 697 Petra Montaque-Hoffmans – 07384 672 233     Counselling is a type of talk therapy that allows a person to talk about their problems […]

  • The subconscious mind is the source of many of our problems and self images. Our beliefs, habits and behaviors are stored as information. The subconscious is a tremendous reservoir of our unrecognized strengths and knowledge.